How to attract the best legal talent is a critical issue for most leaders. Edge Legal Recruitment partners with law firms and companies of all sizes in Vancouver and Calgary who rely on our personalized service, deep local networks and precision headhunting expertise to bring the best lawyers to their side of the table. Unlike large recruitment agencies that use teams of junior researchers, our highly qualified, experienced partners give their full attention to every detail of your search. We like being small, focussed and flexible. It’s a model that holds us accountable to our clients and motivates us to exceed expectations.
Law firms and businesses use our search and precision headhunting services for individual hires, team moves and firm mergers. We can be as involved in your retention, growth or succession strategies as you require:
- Consultative we create a tailored proposal designed to achieve your hiring goals
- Flexible whether it’s a precision headhunt on a tight timeframe or an on-‐going market watch for a niche skillset, we have the flexibility to meet your needs
- Connected we are market influencers with a vast network of lawyers at our fingertips. We proactively market you to our candidate network in one-on-one meetings, over coffee and by phone. We only use social media tools and advertising as a supplemental part of our recruitment strategy.
- Experts legal recruitment is all we do. We understand that every lawyer’s career is unique and we get to know our candidates’ workstyle, capabilites and motivation in depth. You’ll receive a clear assessment of each candidate’s value proposition.
- Benchmarking use our salary advice, current trends in hiring and informed legal market intelligence to help you benchmark or determine strategic hires and plan for growth.
- Methodology we interview, appraise and shortlist to your criteria, presenting a strong slate of A candidates who fit the position, values and culture of your organization. This means you can meet, offer and hire with confidence.
- Risk free No fee is due unless we make a successful placement, which means you can always review our high-quality candidates, for free.
Success, guaranteed. We stand behind every placement we make with a guarantee beyond industry standard