This is the h1 in a "Header" Module
This is the subtitle of a "header" module but it is not a headingThis is body text in a header module but it’s never used.
This is paragraph text. The specs for this paragraph are:
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 500 (regular) | Font size: 15px
- Line height: 1.7em (23.8px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 0
- Color: #000 (Black)
The text is within a column that is 100% of the containing row’s width. The row itself is bordered blue here and has padding of 27px on the top and the bottom.
This is another paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pharetra lorem sed hendrerit elementum. Phasellus in ex lacus. Vivamus iaculis sed orci sit amet pharetra. Sed dignissim leo eget mauris mattis gravida. Etiam ex sem, pretium eu sapien ac, faucibus varius lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce eget dictum est, non posuere enim. Vestibulum eleifend nisl nec erat bibendum, vel imperdiet arcu congue. Curabitur sit amet convallis lorem, et cursus nibh. Sed lobortis in quam et placerat. Cras enim nisl, pellentesque sed consequat in, dignissim nec orci. Nullam ut venenatis orci, in suscipit ex. Phasellus ut ullamcorper sem. Aenean tincidunt semper odio, vitae euismod leo blandit nec. Aliquam dignissim, neque in fringilla maximus, sem mauris aliquet ex, eu commodo est enim at mauris. Morbi dapibus mauris eu sagittis varius.
This is a heading module that contains a heading 1
This is paragraph text. The specs for the heading above this paragraph are:
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 36px
- Line-height: 1.6em; (57.59px) | Margin-top: 0px | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is a heading 2
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 26px
- Line-height: 1em (26px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is a heading 3
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 22px
- Line-height: 1em (22px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is a heading 4
This is paragraph text. The specs for the heading above this paragraph are:
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 18px
- Line-height: 1em (18px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is a heading 5
This is paragraph text. The specs for the heading above this paragraph are:
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 16px
- Line-height: 1em (16px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is a heading 6
This is paragraph text. The specs for the heading above this paragraph are:
- Font face: Arial | Font weight: 700 | Font size: 14px
- Line-height: 1em (14px) | Margin-top: 0 | Margin-bottom: 10px (actually padding bottom)
- Color: #000 (Black)
That heading is contained with a “Heading module” and that module’s specs are:
- margin-bottom: 5.82%
This is another text block filled with paragraph text. This is a section of it that has been bolded. And this is a section that has had italics applied.
This is a paragraph in another column. This column is 1 of 2 columns in this row (blue border). Both columns are 50% width. The space between the columns is the “Gutter” and is 5.5% of the row’s width.
Before any Edge customizations were made, the base heading size values were:
- h1 font-size:30px, line-height: 1em
- h2 font-size:26px, line-height: 1em
- h3 font-size:22px, line-height: 1em
- h4 font-size:18px, line-height: 1em
- h5 font-size:16px, line-height: 1em
- h6 font-size:14px, line-height: 1em
This is a Heading 2
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